Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Will It Be Nul Points ?

I could hardly believe my ears when Peter offered to cut some lawns today. He's never taken an interest in the garden before (but he does most of the cooking). Is he mellowing in his old age or is it a result of not being so stressed since changing jobs last year? For a short while now the azaleas come into their own with a blaze of colour along the drive.
I can never decide which is my favourite, the subtle peach, the fiery flame coloured one or the 2 yellow highly scented ones. They are all a delight to have in the garden and are doing well in our acid soil.

The veg plot is nearing completion after I moved the final plant out (secretly rehomed on my neighbour's land). My new batch of seeds are looking promising but I shall grow the plants on to a decent size before planting them out where the slugs can get to them. I am so reluctant to use slug pellets because of the harm they do to other wildlife. Some plants just don't survive the slugs and I try to manage without them rather than resorting to chemicals. One exception are the flag iris which I brought from our London home. For years I lost every single flower so now they do get a small sprinkle of pellets so that I can enjoy the magnificent flowers.

The hens spend a lot of time camped at the gate watching the world go by. They have a much better view since the arch was removed and their view from the bottom of the run is currently restricted by the lush growth of stinging nettles the removal of which which better be my next job.

Tonight we are keeping up our family tradition of watching the Eurovision song contest. It's always good for a laugh and the voting is so politically predictable it's not surprising that Britain does so badly. We never have a good song anyway.

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