Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Today has been bright and sunny and windy with a distinct autumnal feel.
It was a good day for working on the garden door/gate. I finished removing all the paint and digging out the rotted wood before cutting off the rotten end of the frame on one side. As I suspected it showed plenty of evidence of woodworm but luckily we still have the stuff to treat it with. I treated the whole frame to make sure. I still need to cut off the rotten end of the frame on the other side but to do that I have to take the door off. That might be easier said than done but I'll give it a go. I also did some research and found the wood hardener and filler I need at Screwfix. The filler comes in 500gm and 1kg tubs, I guess I'll need the larger size.
Apart from that I've just done a little pottering about in the garden. I always feel that deadheading is a lady-like activity, I even have the correct deadheading scissors. I mainly leave the flower heads for the wildlife but some plants do better with the dead flowers removed. 

By the afternoon the wind was whipping up the waves almost tempting me to go and do some bodyboarding. But thinking about it was as far as I got, it felt a little cold especially as I don't have a wetsuit.

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