Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 23 August 2024


A windy morning which turned into a bright and breezy day.
It was wild and windy again this morning but though it has been a long time since I had to put on an extra layer of clothing to sit outside first thing at least it wasn't raining. It was lovely to sit there watching the morning sun lighting up the distant hills. Even nicer was the fact that I had some fancy chocolate with my morning coffee (no tea on Fridays).  
And the reason for the chocolate was that today is my birthday. (68!) Peter had managed to sneak in my presents in the night which is impressive as he drops off to sleep long before me. Along with the chocolates and Baileys was this lovely driftwood heron. I'd seen it in the village craft shop but it was too pricey to buy on a whim. I think it's really lovely and even better it is made by a local chap with wood from the beach.

An enormous bouquet from Vytas and Sally was delivered yesterday evening. There were so many flowers I've split them into three vases so that I can see the flowers better.
When I got to the stables this morning there were only two names on the list and that didn't include me. However I have a tiny notebook that I get whoever books my next lesson to write in for me and this morning was just an oversight. Cadno already there with his saddle on and we always put the bridles on ourselves. There were still only three of us which made for a very good lesson. Instead of the usual warm up routine of walking and then trotting we were told to imagine we were warming up for a dressage test. We could include walk, trot and canter and changes of direction remembering to avoid the other riders in the school. Of course as soon as I had done some walking and trotting in both directions I had fun cantering around working on stopping Cadno from falling back into trot before I asked him. And also keeping him on the bit during canter. We then had an in-depth question & answer session before finishing off with more leg yielding. If only my leg muscles were a bit stronger.
Afterwards I did my usual round of the shops. At Morrison's I picked up these two planters now half-price at £5 having been seduced by the little bit of sparkle in the white part of the glaze. They do match the stone terrace slabs quite well.
Although I didn't bother going round the town shops I dropped into the charity shop by Lidl and found this mirror for the hall. There was a space that needed something but not a picture as it was over a radiator. I'd seen other mirrors that I'd liked before but they were all very heavy while this modern mirror is pretty light. It also has a good bevelled edge to the glass and was a bargain at £15.
This afternoon I put up the mirror, brought some stuff down from the loft and used the wood hardener on the outside door frame. I also carried on sawing the new wood that is going to fill the large hole on one side. It's slow going and I'm wondering if a sharp chisel might be the answer. We don't have any woodworking chisels so I'll have to go and buy one.
Peter suggested getting a take away Chinese meal but rather than have him go all the way into Aber I opted for fish and chips from the local chippy. It was very nice but I'm glad that the Gaviscon is to hand as my system isn't used to fried foods.


WendyAnn said...

It's 2 mins to 12 so I am just in time to wish you a happy birthday today
Wendy (Wales)

Bovey Belle said...

Belated Happy Birthday Ruta. It was LOVELY to meet you today, and now you have another follower of your blog. Tam and I really cracked on with clearing her little allotment and it made me feel good to be of use.

Hoping we can meet up again in the future. Jennie xx

Bovey Belle said...

BTW, here's a link to Bristol green glasses. Hope it helps. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204629052627?chn=ps&_ul=GB&mkevt=1&mkcid=28