Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 29 August 2024

To Be Contd./Updated.

I got home a bit too late after the evening at the museum to write the text but will do so tomorrow.......
Thursday was certainly busy. It was still dark when I got up and I was able to enjoy watching the world wake up as I sat outside clutching my mug of tea. I'm still intrigued by the seagulls morning commute Sometimes just two or three birds together but bigger groups too. All heading southwards along the coast. I've asked around and nobody is sure where they are going. I thought the dump but food waste is collected and dealt with separately  so who knows? 
My first job of the day was more sanding of the back gate and frame. I had hoped to begin painting but it could do with a little more filling first.
Next I was off to the community gardens for weeding and digging brambles before stopping for a slice of cake, something with eastern spices and seeds. Tasty as always. The polytunnel is full of red tomatoes while at home my outdoor tomatoes are only just beginning to turn orange. What has grown is this courgette that has turned into a marrow. I'm sure I checked it only a few days ago and now  it is enormous. I've cut it but I'm not too sure yet how I'm going to cook it.
We seem to be catching a little bit of summer in these last few days of August. Peter was rowing in the morning and the sea was quite rough then but by the afternoon it was much calmer.

And of course the big event yesterday was singing in a fund raiser for UNWRA. It was held in Ceredigion Museum which I had not been in before. The museum of Welsh Life is in a restored Edwardian Theatre which in its day could hold 1,000 people and looks very interesting. 
They had put seats in the main auditorium and each act performed up on the stage for half an hour. With six acts that made for a long evening but it was a very relaxed atmosphere and you could go and get drinks from the bar (on the right). Mostly it was music ranging from a group playing medieval bagpipes, to some guys who play at the Folk Club (who might have been a little past their prime but not too bad) to a band called Ninth House. The female singer had a very good voice, you can hear some of their music here . And of course the choir. Over twenty of us squeezed onto the stage and had a lot of fun singing songs of peace and hope. We don't claim to be professionals, just a group of people who enjoy singing but our leader, Susie manages to get a decent sound from us. There was also an excellent story teller who had us spellbound as he spun tales about the history of the museum.


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