Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 27 August 2024


Another grey day sprinkled with showers.
It looked as if the rain was going to hold off until later in the day so I got myself ready to head down to the zoo, only to look out and see big rain drops on the terrace. Thinking the rain was here for the day I suggested Peter took the car down to the RNLI as he had some bulky stuff to take down for the rowing club before he volunteered in the shop.
No sooner had he gone than the rain stopped - typical. Not wanting to waste the opportunity I changed out of my zoo work clothes - old but tidy, into my home work clothes - old, ripped and covered in paint, so that I could do some work on the door frame. I didn't have too long before it rained once more but I managed to do more sanding. It's never going to look perfect it doesn't hurt to do one's best. The important thing was to prevent the door frame from getting worse and to make sure it wouldn't give way with a strong shove (which it won't now it's been firmly fixed to the wall).
Later in the afternoon in an effort to stop myself falling asleep I went out to the front garden for a bit of weeding. Having a compact (that sounds better than small) garden means I can keep on top of the weeding especially if as today I can catch them when they are teeny seedlings popping up in the shingle. There were lots of seedlings of knautia and aquilegia in between the old paving stones to take out too which is the price I pay for leaving those plants to go to seed.


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