Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

So Many .....

With the morning's grey skies came a heavy shower that soon passed. I took the safe option and sat just inside the open door with my early cuppa thankful that I'd got all the rubbish and recycling out before the rain had arrived.
This morning we were off to Mach to meet up with our friends. The change of day meant that afterwards we could stock up on treats from the nice café. Cream slice, a pulled pork pasty and a beetroot pasty for me, lasagne, pulled pork pasty and breaded chicken for Peter. That's the next few day's meals sorted. Also it was market day which is a mixed blessing, good to see the stalls, check out the plants etc but it was like an obstacle course trying to avoid all the  people, dogs on leads, buggies and groups of folk having a chat whilst spread out across the pavement.
As the rain had held off and it was getting warmer on the way back we stopped at the Osprey Centre to sit quietly by one of the ponds. 
Although I've seen the lizards before new this time were the many tiny lizards some only an inch or so long. As we walked along a child in a group walking back from the big hide was counting the lizards, "96, 97 ... " and they still had a little way to go before reaching the main building.

It was very windy and we didn't hear a single bird just the swishing of the reeds and the passing of two F 15 fighter jets on their wat to do the Mach Loop. 
The dragonflies were scarce too, just a couple of sightings but it was enough to sit and watch the reflections and ripples in the water.
While in Mach I bought myself this hand knitted chenille top in one of the charity shops. It's currently hanging on the line outside for the wind to blow away traces of perfume. I've only ever come across a few perfumes that I like and this isn't one of them.
I've a little sewing to do out on the terrace, that is if the wind doesn't blow everything away and then it's choir again tonight.

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