Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 24 August 2024


Sunset last night.
Today has been bright and sunny with a touch of chill in the brisk wind. 
I was at Morrison's again this morning, at least in the car park, to meet up with a fellow blogger and buy this gorgeous captain's chair from her. Ever since we built the bookcase by the front door I've been looking for  a captain's chair for that corner. Something to sit on whilst browsing books or more likely when putting on boots before going for a walk. Also it will be handy if we need a fourth chair at the kitchen table on those rare occasions when we have visitors. I've been lucky enough to have inherited a few nice pieces of antique furniture from my mother (bought in junk shops in London) and I think they fit in well with our white, minimalist beach house (that sounds better than retirement bungalow by the sea). There's something so pleasing to the eye about hand crafted pieces and old polished wood is so tactile. I may make a custom cushion and patchwork? cover for it. That's after my current round of projects is done. 

Speaking of which I went out and began filling the holes, some of them gaping, in the outside door frame. Although the tin was sizeable (the size of a baby's formula tin) the contents were much less. It's the type of resin filler  that needs mixing with a hardener so should at least be durable. I got most of the top of the frame done but it would need at least one or even two more tins to fill in the hole at the bottom of one of the side pieces. I was thinking about fixing more wood to the front to tidy it up but Peter has offered to cut away the worst with a jig saw. I'll leave him to do that and then see what needs doing. It's only cosmetic work anyway. He also came up with a set of wood working chisels and I finally finished the wood for the other side of the frame.
(For Wendy) That might be Bardsey Island on the far left but conditions were too hazy for a clear photo.


WendyAnn said...

Love it - magical. I think of happy holidays at Aberdaron with my husband who sadly died last July. Your views are wonderful and I can see why you love it there.
Wendy (Wales)

WendyAnn said...

Btw I should have said July 2023. Things are a little better now after a year.
Wendy (Wales)

Bovey Belle said...

It looks perfect there Ruta. A good choice.

Ruta M. said...

We're both really happy with it. I also found a spot for the pink jug on our bedroom windowsill along with my small collection of cream coloured jugs.