Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 6 August 2024


First thing this this morning it felt a bit chilly and wasn't clear which way the weather would go but by the afternoon it was warm, windy and very sunny. Hooray!
I drove to the zoo for my usual weeding session as I had an appointment with the doctor straight after and didn't want to turn up in wellies clutching my bucket of gardening tools. Before weeding I had a chat with the zoo's owners as the chap who lives across the road from us would like to donate them a lamb. Or at least give them first refusal. Although he lives next door he has some land or a farm nearby on which he keeps a pony (yes I have dropped hints about being willing to exercise said pony but I guess it's too small for me to ride). Anyway, he bought a ewe to keep the pony company and some time later she produced a lamb. The lamb is now 4 months old and in need of a new home so Bernard thought of the zoo. It's an easycare sheep a new breed that doesn't need shearing but sheds its fleece instead. If the zoo doesn't want it there are some people looking for a sheep to be a companion for their horse who will have it instead. 
After doing lots of weeding at the zoo, no change there, I drove to the surgery for my appointment. This was a follow up after my 24 hour ECG. It turns out I have atrial fibrillation not anxiety as the nurse practitioner kept insisting. So I'm off one set of tablets and have two new tablets instead. I've got a blood test booked for thyroid function but that's not for 2 weeks and the leaflet with one of the new tablets says it can mask an over active thyroid. I'll have to mention it when I have the blood test. I've got a follow up appointment which should have been for 4 weeks as that's how many tablets I've been prescribed but in fact it's not for 5 weeks. Another thing to mention when I go for my blood test.

I didn't do much else this afternoon except have an early shower and a little pottering around in the garden.

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