Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 19 August 2024


It was warm but threatening rain all morning and had rained a lot in the night. It was too wet to sit out with my coffee but I stood on the terrace to get some fresh air.

Down in the garden I saw both a wren and a robin. The robin is no longer my constant companion now that the supply of worms has dried up.
While Peter was out taking a car load of garden waste down to the dump the postman brought a new letter box. The old black one had been falling to pieces for some time, note the rusty flakes all over the tiles. I'd been holding out thinking that the builder would be here any day to do the rendering and build a porch, foolish me but once I knew he wouldn't be here any time soon if ever I ordered a new post box. This one has the slot at the top under a flap which might prevent the postman from scrunching up our post to get it into the box. My first thought was that I'd ask Peter to put it up when he got home and then I realised that I'm perfectly capable of drilling holes in the wall myself. I used the 'big' drill which I can hardly lift but yay that job is done without Pete's assistance. It hasn't been dry for long enough for me to get out the ladder and finish stripping the paint off the door frame and removing some of the top pieces of wood. Instead I did some research on-line. I couldn't find the same size strike plate (goes on the inside of the door frame) but I did order a metal plate to reinforce the frame on the inside by the lock.
During a dry spell I planted up seeds of golden oat grass and another ornamental grass that I brought home yesterday (I put some money in the donation box). Both of those grasses would be too big to grow in the garden but would look good in planters by the drive. I also potted on blue oat grass seedlings grown from seeds of a plant growing in the back garden. 
It's getting wetter as the day goes on with some positively torrential downpours. Such a shame for anyone on holiday.

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