Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 7 April 2023


Lots of sun today. It felt quite cold in the morning but eventually the sun streaming through the windows warmed the house up. 
I got two lots of washing done and out on the line and later had an ironing session. But for most of the day I've been gardening. I thought it was time to get out the hedge trimmer and tidy up the hedges. With the thick branches cut back last year all it took was a quick swish over and hey presto- neat hedges. It took longer to pick up the trimmings than to do the cutting but I still had to do some stretching to reach the far side of the top of the long hedge. I did the hedge at the end of the garden and this side of the hedge between us and our neighbours. There's no problem with going onto their property to cut the other side but they've come down for the Easter holiday and I don't want to intrude. I'll finish off when they go home. I also did a bit of weeding and general tidying up. Peter was going to go to the dump with all the bags full of garden waste but the dump is closed today. It's open tomorrow and suprisingly on Sunday as well.  
There were lots of people on the beach and in the sea. Peter went out rowing so he's happy too.

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