Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Flat Battery.

A dry day, cloudy to begin with and then a sunny afternoon. 
First thing this morning we went up to the barn to collect the camper as it was booked in for its MOT. Unfortunately even though Peter had left the battery plugged in with a trickle charge running today the battery was dead. It had happened before which was why it had been left plugged in but now we, or rather the garage man needs to get a new battery. I think that's made Peter even more determined to sell the camper, ho hum.
After that fruitless jaunt I headed down to the zoo while Peter went for his first morning in the Lifeboat shop. (There's been a change of personnel and Peter is now welcome on the team of volunteers who man the shop.) At the zoo I managed to weed the whole of the large play area in three hours which was good going considering how many weeds were growing in there. Lots of visitors as the school holiday season begins.
I did a small amount of weeding at home too and then settled in the sun to do some mending. My ancient jodhpurs had some stitching coming adrift which I dealt with though if I carry on riding I could do with a new pair. Many of the elastic threads in the fabric have broken and are poking through the fabric though thankfully only on the inside. Then there was a pair of lightweight cotton shorts which I wear in bed which have been washed so many times that the fabric tore. They can have one repair but after that the rag bag will be their next destination.
The evening was spent singing. It was a strange mix of voices tonight; eight sopranos, six altos, two (including me) tenors and two bass. At least it meant that when we could remember the tune we could sing at full volume to balance against the higher voices. We learnt a long song that was complicated for everyone else but the tenor part was nearly all on one note. Something that is surprisingly difficult to do especially when we kept forgetting what that note was. We managed it in the end and then threatened to sing the next song all on one note too.
Views of the distant hills.
And a view of the corner of the garden wall . (The firm have said they will come and do the rebuild properly). Look at the pavement and see the tyre marks. Another six inches and the pillar would have been hit again.


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