Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 14 July 2023


We had a wet start to the day then dry in the afternoon with increasingly strong winds. Because of the rain I had to forgo my usual quiet moment outside clutching a mug of tea with thoughts mumbling around in my head until I've worked out the next small step in the garden. It's a lovely way to start the day but wouldn't have the same impact if I was getting rained on.
Time this afternoon for my second riding lesson. Still just half and hour, I don't think my body is ready for more yet. I rode the same horse but had a different instructor who was as good as the other girl. I suggested doing sitting trot for a few strides then back to rising trot to ease my lower back into the movement and this seemed to work. I had a couple of canters but only short ones as my horse kept trying to fall back into trot. A definite improvement on last week so I've booked another lesson in a fortnight.
This week for the RDA I was put with the bigger pony, Socks who for some reason didn't apear to be too happy. Her ears were back for most of the time which isn't her usual self. I noticed a trickle of dried blood on her fetlock (lower leg, equivalent to wrist in humans) but she didn't show signs of heat or soreness there. There was a tiny cut but nothing else and the group instructor said she would mention it to the stable staff. Both the children I helped with did well and for the second I only needed to have my hand lightly on his shin or not at all.
I returned home to find the sea intense shades of blue and turquoise. I was going to sit out and do some crocheting but the sound of the wind whistling round the house sent me to the back garden to check if any climbers needed tying in. Some did after which I got diverted into removing the vinca which was getting everywhere and then extra weeding and cutting back. So no crocheting, that will have to wait for a rainy day.

It wasn't long after I finished gardening that the clouds crept back and there were a few drops of rain. 


1 comment:

happyone said...

I LOVE that last picture!!