Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 16 August 2023


Plenty of sun today, hooray!
It's been a good day. Not only has the sun been shining but for once I've had a whole day for gardening. Having a fairly busy schedule does makes me appreciate days at home especially when the weather is so nice.
Naturally washing went on the line but apart from the ironing I've spent the whole day outside. The garden gate has been painted on both sides, the hedge between us and the neighbours has been trimmed a little lower, the paths around the mini-meadow mowed and general weeding and tidying up done. One of my favourite garden jobs is trimming the edges of the grass path and weeding at least the front of the flowerbeds. That leaves everything looking neat and tidy. Not that I don't leave most things to go to seed both for the insects and for the blowsy look of the plants. I saw a small blue butterfly in the front garden but of course by the time I got my camera it had gone. Sitting outside at the end of the afternoon I made a start on knitting the cosy for the cafetiere.


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