Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 29 August 2023


There was almost no view at all this morning with the rain, which did get heavier, obscuring most of the village from sight. It slowly became drier with a touch of sun and a pale blue sky towards evening.
No point in going to zoo in that weather or even popping out to do some gardening and for that I'm sure my back was truly grateful. All that hoicking out of brambles in awkward positions had not done it any good at all.
Yesterday evening, as we had been eating our supper the doorbell rang. By the time Peter got to the door there was nobody to be seen. But on our doorstep was a large bag of cooking apples (about two shopping bags full). Although I'd accepted some cooking apples from one of my fellow walkers on Sunday I have no recollection of anyone saying they would bring me more apples. That may have been the case as I do forget things these days but I don't really think so. That said it was an awful lot of apples for two people. I used up some of the apples making stewed apples in the slow-cooker and as soon as it stopped raining I put the rest outside the garden gate with a sign saying 'Free, cooking apples. help yourself.' I think some had gone as I went down to Pilates but on my return most of the rest had gone too. It's good if somebody else can make use of them. Not only that but they had put £1 in the box. I'll put that in a charity box somewhere as I wouldn't feel right keeping it.
We're getting plenty of tomatoes from our garden so most of this lot went in the freezer to be used for cooking later on. Peter was worried we wouldn't have any left for his lunches but there are still loads on the plants. Later on in the evening our neighbour came round with lots of plums from their farm and some plants for the garden. I foresee more cooking and freezing but there are so many plums I'll take some with me to C&C on Thursday to share as there aren't many plums left in the orchard. The rest of the cooking apples, which are the smaller windfalls, will go to the zoo.
I found out a bit more about the fireworks we saw. It wasn't a wedding as I thought but just a Bank Holiday event at the holiday park with music and funfair type stuff for the children.
A funny sunset tonight. The setting sun appeared then slid away from view behind a lower cloudbank.

1 comment:

happyone said...

How nice that someone left you all those apples.