Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Baking Day.

A day full of showers so it wasn't worth going down to the zoo. Instead I stayed at home and baked .... lots of biscuits. Today I made lebkuchen (not rock hard this year), double chocolate cookies and lemon biscuits. Together with the biscuits I made yesterday that's all the biscuits done. They still have to be decorated, after all it's not a Christmas biscuit if it doesn't look special but I'll wait until I'm doing the truffles. That way I'll only have one lot of chocolatey bowls to clear up. I managed to do a little crocheting and right now I'm off to Pilates followed by choir practice in the Arts Centre at the Uni.
Later. Just got back from Town. I remembered the tenor parts of the carols and the Welsh wasn't so scary this year. I love being in the Arts Centre. It wasn't as cold as the hall we sing in on Wednesdays but I can't get there in time after Pilates and two things in one evening is a bit much. Plus I do like the choir I'm already in.
This morning a male blackbird in the garden caught my attention. Something about the way it stood didn't look quite right. It was up on the wall, a spot favoured by many birds in the garden but wasn't moving around a lot and kept opening its beak. My first thought that it might have avian flu as I know that it occurs in wild birds as well as chickens so I kept an eye on it through the window. But then another male blackbird, looking perfectly normal, came close followed by a female which hopped up to this sorry looking chap. I assumed they were its parents and were more or less saying," No I'm not bringing you some food, you have to come down onto the grass and find it for yourself." Eventually this rather late fledgling went down onto the grass with its parents and began foraging for insects. It's all going on here in Borth.

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