Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 23 December 2023


Grey and frequently wet today but not too cold.
In the morning I baked a Bara Brith and sewed in the last ends of wool in the throw before wrapping it up. Then in the afternoon I went back to Aber for a last carol singing session this time outside the bandstand. Despite the grey weather quite a few people were around walking along the sand strewn promenade. We were also joined by some musicians who play music for twmpath, the Welsh version of a ceilidh. We would sing a few carols, they would play some tunes and then we'd sing again. Although there were about twenty of us singing there were only three of us singing the tenor parts. We didn't mind too much as at last we could sing at full volume rather than having to hold back a bit so as not to drown out the sopranos. We sang for an hour and hopefully raised some funds for the medical charity. While we were singing the flocks of starlings made their way to the pier and did their murmuration thing. Later I tried and failed to take a photo on my phone but here is a decent video that I found.
This shop - Polly's, which sells quirky clothes, always has the most lovely window displays.
After singing I walked back through the town calling in at Tesco's to pick up the last few things we need for Christmas. I'm still on track with my schedule, more or less. Why is it that I could always do with one more day? I guess that I try and fit too much in and I'll probably never change.


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