Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 22 December 2023

Winter Solstice.

Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year when our ancestors celebrated the gradual return of the sun. Even living as we do with all the modern conveniences I feel a lightening of the heart knowing that each day brings a little more light. How much more important when the only light source would have been a camp fire and fat burning lamps. No wonder that the early Christians decided to celebrate the birth of Jesus at this time too. 
Vytas and Sally (from whom I've borrowed these photos) were able to go to Stonehenge this morning to watch the sunrise from within the circle. The Solstice is one of the few times in the year that it is possible to get close to the stones and entry is free too though not parking. You can read more here.
Here on the coast of Wales there were few signs of the sun apart from one longer spell mid-morning. I managed about five minutes sitting outside steadying my mug of tea against the strong gusts blowing from the sea before the rain began and forced me to sit in the doorway.
It felt quite chilly at the stables so I kept my light top on over my polo shirt for the lesson and then wished I had taken it off as I usually do as I had to work hard in the lesson. This was because I was riding Seren. (Star). She's a lovely horse with a good nature but she is often ridden by people just learning to ride and isn't used to being asked to be 'on the bit'. The rider's aids for this are more use of the legs to create energy in the horse and working the reins gently in a half-halt to encourage the horse to lower its nose and round its head. For Seren any pressure on the reins means her rider wants her to slow down and squeezing with the legs means 'go faster' which would be the case with a rider in the early stages of learning to ride. Having both happening at the same time must have been quite confusing for Seren. However I was able to make some improvement in the way she was going and I'm sure all that extra work was good for my legs too.
After riding I did my usual run around the shops which were chocablock with people getting all their Christmas food shopping done. On my search for a bin for the bathroom in Matalan I couldn't help checking out the 70% off shelves and ended up buying this gnome and stocking for Peter simply because they made me smile.
Once home I boxed up truffles and biscuits for gifts. I'm with the Japanese in the thought that a gift beautifully wrapped/presented gives so much more pleasure. I have a stock of lovely wrapping paper, tags, ribbons etc all bought in the sales and enjoy making each present look as nice as possible. I haven't yet got around to some of the more origami style ways of wrapping but maybe one day.
Later I managed to find time to begin sewing the crochet squares together. All that's left to do now is to sew the strips of squares and then it will be done. At last.

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