Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 5 December 2023


Dry today with lots of fluffy clouds in the sky.
It would have been a good day to go to the zoo but last week, despite wearing builders' knee pads I managed to rub off the skin on one knee. That's a problem with getting older, everything is so flippin' delicate. It's mostly healed up but I've found that kneeling on it, which is what I do at the zoo can be painful and makes it bleed. Instead I stayed home and crocheted. In between crocheting I delivered Christmas cards to our neighbours. At the same time my next-door neighbour was doing the same so we exchanged cards in the street.
Now for the last of my Craft Fair photos.
I like the use of beach pebbles to form the lid handles.
It's amazing what people do with different materials. I can just see the mackerel hanging on a sumptuous Victorian Christmas tree.
The Eco-printing was interesting but to my eye the results look a bit dingy.

Some very different ceramics, bright colours and a matt glaze.
Off soon to Pilates. I may have to keep my knee slightly off the floor and I better remember not to do one arm plank, which was an option last week, on my left arm as my shoulder has been weaker ever since I fell off a horse, jumping a gate when I was about 14. The trouble is my arms are strong after all the building work and I can do things like a full plank while I'm complete rubbish when it comes to bending sideways. 

1 comment:

happyone said...

So many beautiful things at the craft show. I enjoyed seeing it through your pictures.