Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 18 December 2023


Grey and very wet today.
I was back out again singing carols this morning. Today we were at a care home for dementia patients on the edge of Aber. Not counting the care home staff the audience equalled the choir (25) and from what we could see they enjoyed carols and of course Calon Lan. I think the care home also does respite care as we are singing there again tomorrow afternoon.
On the way back I drove to the village Post Office and sent off two parcels. That's one deadline reached and so far I'm still on schedule. I had to smile at this poem by Brian Bilston. I can really empathise with it.

On and off I've been painting the wood pieces for the bathroom mirror frame and this afternoon Peter helped hold the bottom section in place while the impact adhesive stuck the wood to the glass. I'm taking my time and will wait until the first piece is secure before sticking the rest on.
For the rest of the time I have been crocheting though I did also decant the sloe gin and made fancy labels. There was some left over for us so we both had a tiny sip, very tasty and pretty strong.

1 comment:

lea said...

I shared that clever poem today on my Facebook page! That's me this year.