Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 13 December 2023


Today has been mainly sunny with some showers in the morning.
Normally I would have gone to the zoo on a day like this but I've realised that I need to be organised in the way I spend my time and work out what needs priority. The first consideration is the various deadlines; posting parcels, Christmas Day and then the arrival of Vytas and Sally. So far I'm on schedule with everything and can still include the rest of my activities. Going to the zoo is something I can postpone for a while.
Having made that decision we then had showers, and rainbows so I would have had to stop weeding anyway. Instead I finished cutting the wood for the bathroom mirror frame and painted the pieces with primer. Just a few more coats of paint and once I stick them to the mirrors the bathroom will be done.
Eventually I settled down to do more crocheting or at least ripping back most of another square ready to be redone correctly. For a break I decided to do some hoovering which had been bothering me for a while and that then turned into a tidying up of the heaps of Peter's belongings on the floor. Peter had gone to town to fill up the car (no one sells petrol locally any more) and I was able to have a good sort out. (I really couldn't bear looking at the chaos any longer.) He's now decided that a small chest of drawers will do but it will take a while to find something the right size. 


1 comment:

happyone said...

You live in a great place for seeing rainbows!!!