Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Chocolate Day.

Grey and wet for most of the day with the occasional patch of blue sky and a single muted section of a rainbow.
I like Saturdays. My Fridays are so busy with riding, shopping and dropping into town itself that a whole day to get on with home projects feels like a real change.
Today has mainly been about chocolate though I also baked two Bara  Brith and iced the lemon biscuits. On the chocolate side I dipped all the truffles in chocolate, then decorated them, made some marzipan chocolates, drizzled chocolate over biscuits and dipped others into chocolate (all very indulgent). Even the last of the chocolate was poured onto a sheet and topped with cake sprinkles and tiny cubes of marzipan. Can you tell I like marzipan? I decided not to show any photos of these treats as it is possible that some of the recipients read this blog and although they may have an idea about what I've been making I like to keep some element of surprise. 
I don't think Speedy enjoyed today. In the afternoon he wandered into the kitchen having woken up from his daytime sleep and was promptly put outside as the table was covered with trays of biscuits. He then sat with his face up against the glass door and in the end I felt so guilty I gave him an early dinner outside. I let him back in when I took a short break and he sat purring on my lap while I watched horse videos. But as soon as I resumed work, this time with white chocolate out he was shoved again. It wasn't until everything was put safely away that I let him back in and he's now sleeping in his cosy nest once more.
It's the finals of Strictly tonight so we've brought forward our weekly evening eating finger food in front of the telly to tonight as no doubt the winner will be announced on the news. Such an important news item I'm sure. We forget who the winner is quite quickly (and don't really care) but it's fun to be caught up in the hype just for the evening.


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