Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Mostly Dry.

Another wet start to the day but once those first showers dried up it stayed dry all day.
Peter took a car full of bags of garden waste, at least ten bags, down to the dump first thing so I did his morning job of dry mopping the floors. That made it impossible to ignore the fact that the skirting boards were quite dusty so they all got a wash down too. Usually I try to ignore those little cleaning jobs otherwise I would spend all my time keeping the house spotless. Nice to look at but I've got better things to do with my time.
Being Thursday it was Welsh Zoom class day which I did to the noisy accompaniment of the privet hedge across the street being cut. This was no ordinary trim but a serious reduction from about 15ft to 10ft. (Our neighbour likes his privacy.) It's a lot less gloomy in my study now. During the coffee break when I was catching some fresh air out on the terrace I was surprised to see our neighbour dumping wheelbarrow loads of branches over the cliff into the sea. 
After class I gave the battens for the sitting room shelves a final coat of white paint and also gave a concrete dragon a first coat of white. Initially painted red it had been used for many years as a doorstop at Dingles. Here it has been living outside in the back garden but then I realised it would work as a doorstop for the kitchen door. The red paint was very worn so I thought white would suit our décor better. Or rather white with a few details coloured in.

Right at the bottom of the garden the Michaelmas daisies that I transplanted are doing well. They haven't reached the 6ft they were in the back garden but are already brightening up the far corner by the hedge. Off in five minutes to disco aerobics and that will be me done for the day.

1 comment:

WendyAnn said...

We thought it was awful of your neighbour to do that. I wouldn't have done something like that and I know that you wouldn't either. Loved playing the horizon search today (bottom pic yes?)
Wendy (Wales)