Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Summer Snow.

We have been building up to what feels like summer. This afternoon, 4.00, it was 26C in the sun and a balmy 21C in the shade. Those are my perfect temperatures. But finally, at my advanced age, I have learnt that in this country it is just an illusion. By next week we will probably be back to wet and grey. I have to steel myself against the memories of the last 2 Augusts which were also wet, grey and miserable. So I made sure that my morning at home was spent working outside and once I came home from an afternoon of teaching I sat outside with a cup of tea and a book. A quick trip inside to wash my hair and then back out into the warmth to dry my hair and finally finish off with more weeding. The willow trees are shedding their fluffy seeds which are floating and dancing through the air like a magical snowstorm. It's the sort of thing I never experienced in all those years of living in London so it still enchants me and makes me glad we live here. The warm weather has made the garden flourish. The wisteria and the climbing roses on the front of the house are flowering and the flower beds are full of self seeded aquilegias.

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