Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 26 January 2023


We had a bright and sunny start to the day with just a few clouds appearing later. There was enough of a breeze to tempt me into hanging some washing out on the line. The wind picked up later bringing colder temperatures but it helped get the washing half dry.
In the end I decided to keep the phone. Peter helped me to change the close down time to 30 minutes rather than 30 seconds and eventually we found a way to get to my emails. So now I'll be carrying 3 phones around with me until I give the new number to the places that need it.
Today's job was to re-oil the kitchen worktop. I gave it a light sanding first and sanded out a long scratch that had appeared a while back. I think I used a bit too much of the oil which then had to be wiped off. I'll know better next year. The worktop looks so nice completely clear but there are always a few things that need to be to hand.
And it was Zoom day again. I did my Duo Lingo beforehand and just by chance I got to practise 'to have' which we carried on with in our lesson. Then we moved onto numbers, oh boy! When we first tackled numbers I soon learnt them by shouting out the scores in Strictly and the bigger numbers were very logical eg 49 is four ten nine. But now not only is there another number name system which we haven't come to yet but if the noun the number refers to is feminine 1,2,3,4 are different again. For 1 or 2 the following feminine noun gets a soft mutation and for 2 the following masculine noun also gets a soft mutation. And for further confusion when you're using the verb 'to have' the numbers themselves get a soft mutation. A good thing we also learnt the useful phrase - 'sgen i ddim syniad.' which means 'I have no idea.'
My day finished off with disco aerobics which was fun though I wish I'd remembered to wear my trainers. Instead I walked down in my sheepskin short boots and had to do the session wearing those. There's too much spinning around to dance in bare feet. I know because I tried bare feet the first time I went. My poor feet were very hot by the time I got home.

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