Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Window Woes.

I knew it was too good to be true. This is both the before and the after photo of our bathroom. Because as you may have surmised, the window did not get installed today.
Anticipating the messy job of making a hole in the house wall yesterday I took down all the pictures and banners from the hall. I got up in good time this morning and it was only as I was pinning up the last sheet of plastic over the bathroom door that Peter asked me if I had taken into consideration the flue from our outside boiler which is on the other side of the wall. Well I hadn't but thought that Peter could have mentioned it when I was first drawing up plans for the bathroom all those months ago. We made some quick measurements and decided that in the interest of getting the window in it could be turned 90 degrees so that we would have a tall thin window instead of a long thin window. However when the builder turned up he wasn't too sure about that and then when he made the measurements the flue would still be in the way. What tipped me over the edge as far as my mood was concerned was hearing the builder say that he'd talked about the flue with Peter months ago and said we needed to get the plumber to move the flue over. So now no window and we have to wait for the plumber to come and move the flue and then wait for however long until the builder can come and fit the window.
After all that I cycled down to the zoo for a relaxing few hours of weeding. I finished weeding the gravel area I'd started last week which included digging up about a third of it with a hand hoe to loosen the pebbles from the packed mud. By the time I'd done that I'd cooled down mentally while at the same time warming up enough to take my coat off. Next I weeded out one of the moats by the hens and guinea fowl. Although guinea fowl make a raucous alarm call once they calm down they can produce quite melodious cooing and bubbling sounds. Before leaving the zoo I went and chatted to another volunteer who was working with the wolf-dogs. They are both very timid and rarely let anyone touch them so my friend has been training them. Right now she is getting them to touch their noses to a tennis ball on the end of a stick. Not only will that help them to get used to people but it will also help if a vet needs to look at them without sedating them.
As I cycled home I noticed my front tyre was a bit soft so that will have to be pumped up before I venture out again. Once home all I wanted to do was to flop on the sofa but first I emptied out the last section of the larder and washed out all 15 of the plastic tubs. Only then did I make a coffee and have a restful hour watching Call the Midwife. There was just time to put all the food and tubs back in the cupboard before getting ready for Pilates. We did some press ups tonight which normally I can't do at all but tonight we did the easier versions first and then I had a reasonable attempt (sort of). It was pitch black as I walked home as the street lights along the High St. were out. There are some road works going on and they've dug up a lot of the pavement which must have affected the lights. 

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