Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 6 April 2023


The day began very cold and wet but by late afternoon most of the clouds had moved on. It was still cold but sunny and the day ended with a pretty sunset. 
Today we got the rest of the shelf uprights cut and later painted, apart from the ones that will be under the lowest shelf as we need to measure in situ. We even planned to put up the first few shelves but ran into a major snag. I'd carefully checked the positions of the stud work in the walls and then marked up a long strip of wood that is the same length as the shelves, with the positions of the brackets and the holes for the screws that will hold the upright pieces of wood. Then I can use it as a guide for marking all the shelves. It was only at that point that we realised that the brackets supporting the lowest shelf would stick out by half a centimetre because of the skirting board. Unfortunately the places in town don't stock the next size down brackets so we had to order them on-line and they won't be arriving until Tuesday. So close to finishing but not quite there yet.
I got all the usual stuff done, Duo Lingo, piano and guitar practice and skipped off to aerobics for some fun exercise. I'n still being very cautious about bouncing through my knees and feet as I don't think my knees can take it yet.
Earlier I went out in the back garden to take some photos and surprised the cat I've been calling Little Ginge. Not so little now, in fact he's quite chunky and though he's usually friendly my sudden appearance had him legging it over the garden wall.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Wow the orange sky is beautiful.