Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 3 April 2023


A lovely sunny day with blue skies from morning to evening.
This was our week for meeting our friends in Mach to work on our Welsh. Three weeks ago we were drenched and almost blown over by the wind, today I didn't even bother taking a coat. Afterwards I had my usual visit to the charity shops but didn't find anything to buy. There were lots of tourists walking around and with the sun shining the town looked vibrant and lively. That is apart from the parked police van and police hanging around on the street.
Back home I decided to give the grass its first cut of the year. For days I've been hearing the sound of mowers and today it was my turn. This wasn't easy as the main part of the lawn, the wildfower meadow, had been left to grow all spring and summer last year. But in the absence of grazing animals it needs cutting back at least once a year. After the initial cut I raked and teased the long grass stems upright before cutting again. Eventually the grass will go as it's not an easy option when we're older but it will stay for the moment. The grass done I began dead heading the hydrangeas. I haven't done it before but they do look a lot neater without the dusty brown blooms. 
This lovely Easter card painted by my cousin came today. I have to say that after years of sending out a stack of Easter cards I've cut right back this year. Maybe I'll send a few more next year.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Sounds like a lovely day.
The Easter card is beautiful!!
I've never sent Easter cards out and have only gotten a few over the years. Don't think many people do Easter cards here.