Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 28 April 2023

Plant Hunting.

It rained in the night, good for the garden, and today it's been cloudy and mostly grey.
I've had a lovely day shopping for plants. I started by calling in at the local garden centre. On my previous visits I had been quite disappointed with the plants there but that must have been out of season. This time I was pleasantly surprised by the much better choice of plants there. (I took photos using my new phone and so far have been unable to get them onto my pc. All sorts of updates and stuff going on.) They had plenty of rockery plants and I bought some interesting sedums and other plants using up a couple of garden vouchers that have been burning a hole in my purse for a very long time. 
From there I went to Morrisons and while they only have a small amount of plants their prices are good. I was able to find some red saxifrages, a white thrift and a couple of other plants. I was itching to get home and start planting but I stopped in town, gave a bag of stuff to a charity shop and finished off with a quick look round Lidl. There I found some beach shoes, the sort you can swim in and they even came in half-sizes. Especially handy for here where there is a small chance of getting stung/stabbed by a weaver fish. They hide in the top layer of sand and have a poisonous dorsal spine. Being stung is very painful. I looked for similar shoes in town at the end of last summer but couldn't find any which is why I was happy to find them in Lidl's middle aisle. Maybe I'll be tempted to go for a swim soon. 
One bad moment of the day was finding that somebody had left a dent in the car without  bothering to own up. I think it must have happened in Morrisons car park as from the shape and position it would have been a taller vehicle like a SUV reversing along the side of my little car. Okay I've still got marks down both sides of the car from where it was keyed by a jealous partner (nothing to do with us) before I bought it but having a dent makes it look as if I'm a poor driver which I don't think I am.
A good thing I had all this fun planting to do. I was able to split a couple of the plants into three before planting and I pulled off some of the plantlets from the house leeks and pushed them into the cracks between the rocks. The bed looks a bit sparse at the moment but if the plants were any closer it would be overcrowded in a year or so. 

 Sunset tonight.

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