Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 9 April 2023

Walk, Part One

Happy Easter to all my Christian friends. 
Today was dry, windy and relatively warm, perfect for hanging out yet more washing and to meet up with friends for our weekly walk and chat. Only six of us today as people had family commitments.
We met in the village of Llanfarian which is just the other side of Aber. From there a footpath took us into the Aberllolwyn valley. The words 'carpet of flowers' hardly do this wooded valley justice. As far as the eye could see the ground was dotted with bright yellow celandines and white wood anemones. 

I've seen swathes of celandines before but rarely seen wood anemones let alone in such numbers.

Close up the ground looked like the floral fabric for a spring dress and seen in the distance the wood anemones resembled snow drifts.
In wanting to share the beauty of the walk I couldn't edit the photos down to a managable number so today I'll show the valley and save the farmland views for tomorrow.

The rest of our walk took us through fields and up a steep hill where we stopped to eat our lunch. From there we carried on almost to the coast where we circled round and back down to the vally and then to our start point. An pleasant four and a half mile walk.
As it's Easter we're having our favourite easy meal tonight, salmon baked in the oven with mushrooms and onions served with peas and new potatoes.


happyone said...

Such beautiful countryside!!
Happy Easter to you and Peter.
HE is Risen.

lea said...

Those wood anemones are stunning. I have seen wildflowers on hikes, but never so many in one area! We have a purple anemone out here, the white wood anemones are on the eastern side of this country. What a wonderful walk that was.