Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 1 April 2023


This morning it looked like we were going to have another day of showers but instead we had a windy and sunny day.
Today it was my turn to go into town where there was a bit of a theme to my shopping which was why I was going to title this post 'Balls' but thought that it might be misconstrued. After going to the bank I went to the wool shop for some crochet hooks and found the orange wool in the bargain box while the purple balls of wool came from a charity shop. Unless the colour is just right I try and avoid 100% acrylic yarn but go for at least a percentage of wool as it washes much better. The fish design spoons and the ceramic ball came from yet another charity shop. And not shown is another set of stainless steel garden balls from Homebargains. As I drove home I was thinking how I like objects that are spherical or in the case of pebbles, egg shaped. That led me to realise that it isn't down to my artistic upbringing but simple biology. Humans are programmed to respond emotionally to round shapes so that we care for babies (round head, big round eyes). A fact that has been exploiteded by soft toy designers and cartoon creators not to mention dog and cat breeders. A bit of a downer to think that some of your personal tastes are the result of nature rather than nuture.
There was such a good drying wind that even a few hours out on the line got the washing almost dry. 
It was a lovely afternoon and wrapped up well against the wind I had a good weeding session out in the front garden. I never know when the rain will return so gardening tends to take priority. 
Peter spent the day trying to reassemble the circular saw but even with the help of a YouTube video it isn't ready yet. I just leave him to it.


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