Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 20 April 2023


Sunset tonight as my camera saw it though in reality the colours weren't as intense. (See below.)
Today has been bright and sunny with a excellent drying easterly wind. The wind direction is important as it influences both the sea conditions and the weather. Northerly and easterly wind winds bring cold air from the arctic and because they are coming from over the land tend to flatten the sea. Southerly and westerly winds (remember drawing those arrows showing the prevailing south westerly winds on maps of the UK?) bring warm wet air from across the Atlantic often whipping up the waves into enormous breakers. While not so keen on rain I do like wild weather and wind is always good for drying the washing.
In the morning I made a quick trip to the pharmacy for our prescriptions and to the shop for self-raising flour. Speedy was in his favourite shelterd spot enjoying a bit of sun. On my return I baked a bara brith and then cut and painted the strip of wood we had used as a template for the screw holes in the shelves. It's now going to be covering the edges of the flooring in front of the wardrobe doors and the tiles under the smaller hall shelves.
All too soon it was time for our Zoom class. That was after the briefest of looks at the last lesson and a look ahead at the next. That's when I realised I should have done more revision during the Easter break. By the end of the actual lesson my brain had turned to mush trying to separate mi es i - I went, mi wnesi - I made, and mi wnes i + verb -past tense. Not to mention the new mutations we learnt in the last lesson.
After the lesson I had a bit of fun cutting out raindrops from the spare 'stained glass' window film and sticking them on the utility room windows. I should get the full effect in the morning when the rising sun shines through the windows on that side of the house.
It was great to walk down to the hall for disco aerobics in daylight and it was still light on the way home. Another good session and my knee is now burning. Not surprising as I'm attempting to get a bit more bounce into my dancing rather than stomping around flat footed.
Above is closer to the actual sunset colours. Because I'm lazy and stick to auto light exposure rather than using the manual settings I have to fool the sensor by aiming the camera first at something halfway between the brightest and darkest bits of the view and then swinging round to take my photo.
If I just point at the sun, trying not to blind myself, the camera darkens everything which does make for dramatic photos.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Gorgeous skies and a bonus to capture the bird in flight.