Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 21 April 2023


No more good weather for the moment. Today has been mostly wet, starting with a light drizzle then moving onto much heavier rain with eventually some late afternoon sunny spells. It will interesting to see what kind of sunset we get tonight.
I still carried out my plan to take all the garden waste to the dump. It was only as I was driving through the gates that I realised I had forgotten to bring some stuff I'd put aside in the utility room. Somehow I just can't bring myself to put even one small tin of dried up paint in the general waste instead of separating it out for appropriate disposal. (I've tried Google but I can't tell if the general waste here is incinerated, goes to landfill or is sorted for recycling though probably not as there is a separate recyclable collection.) And a bag of stuff for the charity shop is still here as well.
After the dump I went to Morrisons and the usual round of shops where I was able to find some pots of the dark purple aubretia. Incidentally there was a big fuss on the news about why spending has decreased. Some august body has decided that it was because we had some very wet weather which stopped people from going out to garden centres and shops. I expect that a number of people were paid a lot of money to come up with that conclusion which frankly is the govt clutching at straws. It's blindingly obvious that people are spending less on 'goods' because they don't have any money left after electricity bills, heating costs, fuel costs, rent/mortgages and insurance have all risen dramatically while wages haven't. Duh! is all I can say. I wonder what excuse they'll come up with when the next set of figures are published? 
On my way home I stopped at the builders' merchants and ordered a dumpy bag of top soil which is being delivered on Tuesday. It will be hard work moving all the soil and arranging the rocks but I'm so looking forward to it.
The return of the sun brought out some lovely colours in the sea, and a few sparkles in our hall. It's such a relief to see it finally cleared of boxes.


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