Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 21 September 2023

Autumn Equinox.

Blue skies today and lots of sun for our 12 hours of daylight. Now the nights will be drawing in and it is getting a bit cooler though there are rumours that we'll be getting some hot weather again next week.
Look closely and you might spot the end of a rainbow over Tywyn.
We were due to start our third year of Welsh classes today but it was cancelled as our tutor isn't well. (She has school age children and their term started a fortnight ago. Teachers would often get ill at this time of year.) Instead I cycled down to the community gardens where I did some bramble chopping and partook of a very nice apple cake. I brought home yet more cooking apples which are already simmering on the hob as we do enjoy stewed apple on our porridge.

My home gardening jobs were to dig up the roots of the fennel, a hard task, and to clear all the Welsh poppies and linaria that had been growing in the bed under the red hydrangeas. The bees have been coming to the linaria (purple toadflax) so I waited until the flowers were over before pulling them up. The bed is planted with bluebells at the back and crocuses in the middle for some spring colour while at the front is the black 'grass' which should spread nicely.
A pair of comma butterflies catching the sun. One was on the buddleia that I've just brought down from the back garden and the other was feeding on the verbena bonariensis which was a chance seedling that came with a hardy geranium that was given to me. 
Disco aerobics was back this week and we had our usual fun leaping about to loud music. D. who had been in my riding lesson was there and we had a bit of a chat before the class began.


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