Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Storm Agnes.

It was a matter of battening down the hatches this morning as we awaited the arrival of Storm Agnes. So far it hasn't been that dramatic here as once again the worst of the storm has been to the north us of.
We had frequent showers in the morning with the warm southerly wind flattening out the waves. (Top photo.) So not a morning for going to the zoo. Peter opened up the Lifeboat shop, had a few customers during the first half an hour and then nobody.
Then came several hours when it was dry enough to get out into the garden again. I took the wood off the footings and then relocated the hydrangea  to the bottom of the garden. It was one I'd successfully moved in the spring, a fairly uninspiring red one so I'm not too fussed about it. Now I've got the fun of planning what to grow in the new bed. Maybe a grey shrub of some sort, artemisia or santolina and campanula or aubretia to go over the sides.
Since 4.00 the time of the satellite photo, we've had sudden squalls with heavy rain and strong winds.
The change to 20mph is not proving very popular here in Wales. Fine for cities and towns but not so good in rural areas where houses are strung out along main roads. To put it in context 20mph is the usual speed for a funeral cortege and it is hard to keep the speed that low. I've also noticed that the coast road, which avoids the longest stretches of 20mph is a lot busier. Like most roads outside built up areas the speed limit is 60mph though with the narrow and twisting road you would be a fool to drive at anything like that speed. But there are fools around.


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