Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Wet and Windy.

It feels very autumnal now with frequent showers and plenty of wind.
As Speedy and I sat in the doorway watching the early morning, well not so early, world go by a skein of Canada geese flew across the bay heading for the wetlands around the Dyfi. Not to be outdone our resident robin sat in full view on the signpost at the bottom of the garden. He was looking quite muddy and wet.
Although the rain had eased off when I was ready to go to the zoo I took the car which was a good thing as it was raining by the time I left. At the zoo I weeded over one of the gravel areas, that was after I replanted all the lemon balm and mint which another volunteer had 'weeded' out. I wasn't cross with whoever had done it but did think that that the person who asked them to weed those areas should have had more common sense. Luckily one of the staff saw what had happened and saved all the plants. Both lemon balm and mint regrow easily and of course it is nice and wet at the moment.
The few moments of sun in the afternoon brought out the colours of the sea which I was watching while I knitted indoors. I had the tv on as I can knit and watch at the same time. The crochet squares need  lot of counting so I can't do them at the same time as watching tv. Off soon for Pilates, in the car if it's still raining.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Love the picture of the robin!!