Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 26 May 2024

A Wet Walk.

Yesterday evening it felt as if we were in the Med looking out at a small yacht moored in the bay. They stayed all night and it was lovely to see the reflection of the light on top of the mast reflected across the water. This apparently is the type of sailing vessel of Peter's dreams. Thankfully we don't have the sort of money for that dream, (I get sea-sick very easily).
I had a late start to my day today but managed to paint the shelf supports, one side in the morning and the other when I returned from my walk. Unfortunately I couldn't find any white gloss paint in the garage and have used Vinyl silk instead. If it looks horrible I'll have to buy some gloss paint but I'm hoping not as paint is expensive. I also started sorting out the last of my craft boxes and discovered this fabric, possibly a shawl of some sort. I'm pretty sure it's raw silk and almost certain the embroidery is real gold. I've no use for it myself so might end up donating it to Oxfam as they have experts who assess specialist items. 
We had heavy rain in the night which had cleared up by the morning. In fact it looked like we were going to have another hot day. But when I arrived at Coed Tamsin for our walk it began to rain and we had heavy rain on and off for most of the walk. Some fellow walkers who live in and around Borth had also thought it was going to be hot and dry and turned up in shorts and light tops. Luckily I had thrown my jacket into the car 'just in case' and had some waterproof over trousers that I was planning to hand on to a friend if she came on the walk (she didn't).
My camera spent most of the time in its plastic bag tucked inside my jacket or in my bag. Nevertheless we had a nice walk round the woods stopping for lunch inside Bob's wood workshop. It was filled with beautifully hand made wooden items, some decorative and some like the chairs with semi-natural features were more functional. I would have loved to take photos but it wasn't appropriate.

Afterwards we went up to their cottage and had a walk around the gardens admiring all the wonderful plants. Something different to see every time. (Not the photo below, that's nature's wild beauty on a woodland track.)
Something that I was very disappointed by was finding out that the Craft Fair was on today. Unlike tomorrow's Charities Fair it hadn't been advertised on the local FB page and I wasn't the only one who hadn't known about it. There went my chance to support local artists and buy something special for the house and presents for friends and also to take photos to give Peter some ideas for my birthday present.


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