Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 13 May 2024

Cooling Down.

And so the hot weather comes to an end. Hopefully to return again this year though it may not be for many weeks. Today was cooler with the wind swinging round to a more northerly direction. It has been trying to rain all afternoon but although I can hear the rain drops pattering on next door's  plastic roofing the soil looks as dry as ever.
After a busy week we were out again this morning to Mach for our usual Welsh lesson revision with our friends. The book we're reading is making a lot more sense than the first time we tried it some weeks ago and we're able to understand whole sentences without having to look up every other word to try and make out the meaning. Afterwards my usual charity shop wander got me a pair of shorts for £4. I tend to wear shorts most of the time in the summer and I'm a sucker for tie-die fabric design.
Despite the intermittent raindrops I had a gardening session when we got home. The first mixed lettuce sowings have been made under a perspex cloche (recycled from the original terrace railings) and the tomato supports put in place. They've been made from whatever garden poles I had in the garage hence the hodge podge look. If I can find them I'll top the shorter poles with the spare curtain pole finials to save poking myself in the eye. Once my tomato seedlings have had a week of 'hardening off' I can plant them out knowing that I'll be able to support each plant securely and not have tomatoes lost in the heap of foliage as happened last year.


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