Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 30 May 2024


A gale has been blowing all day long, never mind that it's almost June. Not very much in the way of rain and a few sunny spells to brighten the day.
As I sat out on the terrace this morning, well wrapped up in extra layers of clothing I watched the hedge at the end of the garden undulating back and forth in the strong winds as it did its job of sheltering the rest of the garden. It's when it's windy, as it so often is, that the ornamental grasses come into their own as they swish around dramatically.
The uncertain weather put paid to my plan to take the bus into Aber and then walk back along the coast path. It's only 8 miles but there are a lot of very steep slopes to go up and down. Instead I made a start on working out how to put the wardrobe door back before the carpet gets laid. After the outer walls had to be taken back to brick we took the opportunity to install insulated plasterboard. This keeps the house warm but the increased thickness meant that the wood that the hinges of the end wardrobe door and the cupboard door above is now below the level of the plasterboard. Initially I thought I could add another piece of wood to the upright but that would mean trimming down the doors. No easy feat when the doors have a hollow construction. My latest thought is to cut back the plasterboard and create a sloping edge to allow the doors to open. I carefully hacked away a section to see how to screw the hinges back on but now I need a right angled screwdriver. That we don't have but Peter has ordered a set as the local places don't have them. This should arrive tomorrow and I can carry on. I don't like having the ladder and dustsheets in our bedroom but it's too much hassle to take them out only to set everything up again in a day or so.
DIY over for the day I had one little project to occupy myself with. I've a couple of A3 sized click frames in which I wanted to make some photo montages. I had a happy (and sometimes sad) time going through a shoebox of photos (remember having real photos printed?) to chose a selection of garden photos from Dingles and another set of me riding various horses. The best photos are already in big photo albums so they are only 'seconds' but it will be nice to have them up on my study wall. I ran out of the tape to stick them down on the backing sheets, will have to see if I can find some in town tomorrow. Above is a group of photos taken in our first house in London. On the left is the big mirror that is now on our bedroom wall and above the lovely Victorian marble fireplace is a green glass vase that is now on display in the living room and I think the small mirror is in the loft.
To finish off the afternoon and blow out the cobwebs I had a windy walk along the beach.


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