Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 24 May 2024

Scarecrow Festival.

The wind had died down this morning giving us a calmer sea with plenty of moody colours.
It's Friday so of course I began my day down at the stables. As I was walking past the new barn which is just an open space with rings to tie the ponies to one of the two ponies in there threw up his head and snapped the baler twine his lead rope was tied to. I went in, caught him and retied the baler twine. Apparently this is his latest trick. When he's finished his feed he snaps the twine so that he can go and eat out of another pony's bucket. I rode Margaret again today. She went very well in trot coming nicely onto the bit but things went a bit awry when it came to cantering. Lots of racing on in trot and then in canter mainly because I didn't stay relaxed enough to start with. We had a sensible canter by the end which was a relief. 
Then it was the usual round of shops and into town. At Morrison's my glance at the racks of plants revealed that they now had pots of Stipa Tenuissima. I had searched for weeks for that grass and ended up ordering three plants on line. Naturally since the Morrison's one was half the price I bought one (the on line ones arrived while I was out) just in case. Now all four plants have been planted out and there really isn't any room for more plants in the front garden.
In town I called in at the carpet place and confirmed the carpet details. It will be coming in two and half weeks, so exciting after years of having bare floorboards and rugs.
Once I got home I had intended to start painting the wood for the shelves but decided instead to have a walk around the village to see some of the 54 scarecrows that make up the scarecrow festival. With the Bank Holiday and half-term next week Borth is having an arts festival, Borth Fest and the scarecrows make up the first event. It is lovely to see so many families walking around the village clutching their maps (20p from the shop). Each map has a voting slip for the public vote to be returned to the shop. I expect there will be other judged categories too.
The theme for the scarecrows was 'Heroes and Heroines'. I haven't seen all of the scarecrows but my vote will be going to 'Alan Bates.' though there are lots of other very good entries.
Our neighbours have gone for a royal theme. 
The entry was made by our earlier builder, the one whom I met walking his donkey down the road though I think it might refer to his dad too.
A sea Goddess and Mary Poppins.
Hopefully the rain will hold off. I wonder if people will be taking their scarecrows in overnight. Seeing so many fun entries makes me think about entering next year if they hold the event again.
My walk took me right up to the end of the village where I found the nice shop that sells sea themed craft items was open. So often it isn't. That gave me the chance to buy Peter's birthday present, two humpback whales made out of scrap metal that go on the wall. (It's okay, he doesn't look at my blog.)
I walked back along the beach. Since I was wearing flip-flops I stayed up where the shingle was quite flat and where I could I walked along the top of the old wooden sea wall. I don't usually walk so high up so hadn't noticed this collection of heart shaped stones before. Somebody must have been collecting them for years.
One of the lifeboat men having a rest outside the RNLI station.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Liked all the scarecrows. Favorite was Mary Poppins.