Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 29 May 2024


A mild but cloudy day today. The sun kept trying to break through in the afternoon and each time it did the temperature shot up but those pesky clouds kept on returning.
I was up reasonably early but not as early as the lone surfer who was chasing the waves by 7.00.
In the morning I carried on with tidying my study. Now that the shelves are sorted it was mostly a matter of going through the inevitable piles of 'random stuff' and some general cleaning.
In the afternoon we were off to the pictures again, or rather the Arts Centre. Only six people in the cinema so it felt like a private showing. And what was the film you wonder? I have to admit it was the latest Mad Max film. While I would never normally watch something that was so full of violence and so sparse in plot I do like being transported to an alternative reality. I really enjoyed the combination of CGI and Australian deserts with wildly imaginative vehicles, costuming and action. We had our usual front row seats though the usher informed us we were welcome to choose any of the other seats if we wished. I even had some free chocolates. When I paid for parking (£3) out of the machine came a £1 voucher for the café so I went and chose some Minstrels to have with the small tub of tropical fruit and nuts I had brought along for a cinema treat. 
After we got home somebody came and collected two bags of all the tiny balls of wool that were left over after I had unravelled the crochet squares for Vytas' throw. I couldn't see myself using them so thought that somebody make like them for some kind of craft work. And sure enough a ?  - what do you call a female in her 30s or 40s? Because of my age I would say girl/maid (in Devon) or lass but that could be any age and woman or lady sound terribly formal. Anyway she was happy to have them for some sort of weaving project. At least the wool isn't going to waste.
I went out to choir but when I arrived nobody was there. I should have known as Susie often has grandmother duties in the school holidays but either I missed or didn't hear an announcement. It's only a 15 minute drive each way so not a big problem.


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