Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 22 May 2024


The day began dry but it wasn't long before we were back to rain and it has been raining on and off all day.
I'm quite glad about the rain, the garden has been looking very dry and the terrace needed a wash after a 'bombing raid' by the local seagulls. I counted over 80 splats, probably not from 80 seagulls but from a smaller number practising their machine gunning tactics.
I was up a bit later this morning, my fault for not putting my head down in good time last night, so missed the morning visits by the smaller garden birds. I still put out a handful of seeds and it wasn't long before down came a fat wood pigeon who ate every single seed in the dish.
I did some gardening before breakfast to avoid the rain. I still can't believe how the rockery plants have all grown so well and made a carpet of foliage and flowers but it was time to reduce the ground cover sedums to give the other plants more room and to expose more of the stones we brought back from the quarry in the mountains. I dislike throwing out plants so I posted on the village page to see if anyone wanted the sedums and sure enough somebody does. I've left the sedums by the bottom gate so they can be collected any time. There's nothing worse than waiting for people to call round.
Most of my day has been spent sorting out stuff in my study. Two more of the big storage tubs have been emptied but I now realise I need to make some upright supports between the shelves. Even with the heaviest boxes going on the floor there is a bit of a sag to the shelves once I load them up with boxes. Not a problem, I have a couple of ideas to try.


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