Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 21 May 2024


Another interesting sunset last night.

This morning the sea was a smooth as a mirror. It stayed sunny all day and so long as you were out of the chilly sea breeze it was pleasantly hot.
I went to the zoo and did three hours of weeding. I intended to ride my bike which would have been the first time this year but the front tyre was a bit soft. I was able to pump it up but I failed completely to remove the pump without letting air back out of the valve. It must be a leaky valve as I've never had problems like that before. Peter was in a rush to get to the RNLI shop to meet some managers so couldn't help me. After four attempts I abandoned the bike and took the car instead. 
Although I took my camera to the zoo I was so hot after all my weeding I just wanted to get home. A rest and some painkillers and I was ready to walk up to the War Memorial. My main reason was to try and see where all the trucks full of soil that had been going past the house were coming from. There were some yesterday and at least two this morning. I couldn't really see but looking closely at the photo it looks like it's from the house next door to somebody who goes to Pilates. I'll ask him what's going on. A swimming pool maybe? While I was up by the memorial I could hear a lot of thunder rumbling over the inland hills. Peter tells me we are due thunderstorms tomorrow.

Everything was flowering on the cliff top,

and where the path runs next to a couple of gardens the air was filled with the scent of the wild roses.
Off now to Pilates and to find out about those trucks.
Back now after nearly falling asleep during 'relaxation' at the end of Pilates. I was wrong about the trucks, they're actually from the people I know who built their house since we've been here and now are having their garden levelled.


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