Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 20 May 2024


Last night's sunset.
Today the view was back to normal, just a scattering of clouds in the sky. It's been a very soporific day with the warm wind blowing and the sun shining right up until I was ready to sit down for a break in the afternoon. By that time there was a slight haze in the air, the sky was filled with clouds and there was a touch of chill in the air.
This morning, as I sat outside enjoying my early morning cuppa I heard something new in the symphony of birdsong. A red kite maybe? But then I looked over to the reef and saw three mute swans bobbing about in the water. They drifted in towards the shore and eventually they flew off over the golf course in the direction of the wetland bird reserve at Ynys Hir. Maybe they had gone further out to sea than usual in yesterday's mist? Moments later four cormorants flew inland too. There's always something new to see when I sit outside.
The first thing I had to do this morning was walk down to the surgery for a 9.00 appointment. I never know who I'm going to see and today it was a medical student. I like seeing the students as they have more time and like to take a full history. As usual I'd saved up some minor queries and then at the end I mentioned some heart issues expecting to be told they were normal for my age. The student asked lots of questions which I find reassuring. At the end of our long chat the student consulted with the actual doctor and then returned with some advice about the different issues. One of those is the toe cyst. They don't seem to have received a request for more imaging so I need to get back to the private hospital about that.
At home I carried on with my tidying up and the bedroom is now clear (though I will admit to putting random stuff in one of the blanket boxes) and a chair and some storage boxes went in the garage for now. In my study the contents of my jewellery making box are spread across the floor as I try to work out an efficient way to store everything in the white tubs.
I've been out and done some gardening too, tying up climbers and moving some ground cover sedums. It's so nice to have time to do those small jobs. In the front garden the first arum lily has flowered (these came from my neighbour) and (above) the new hardy geranium is flowering. How could I resist that gorgeous purple colour? Below is a little self-seeded double aquilegia. Having planted out the tomatoes the other day I now see that one of the two tomato plants I bought at the local plant fair is in fact a pepper. There's the Charities Fair in the Hall next Monday so I'll keep an eye out for a replacement tomato plant and move the pepper. If not it can stay where it is.


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