Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Sea Mist.

A grey morning soon became a sunny blue day with sea mist rolling in later on.
As I hadn't been to the zoo for a couple of weeks I went there this morning to see what the state of the weeds was. I was about to begin weeding the gravel near the guinea fowl when I spotted a couple of strands of bindweed poking up from the woodchip 'moat' in front of the animal enclosures. Nearly three hours later and half a tub full of those spaghetti like roots  dug out from under the carpet that sits below the woodchip I was able to declare the area clear of bindweed. It's all coming from the one enclosure that has been empty for a long time. If some of the poultry had been put in there before rat poison was put down the whole pen would have been cleared of any plants and the weeds wouldn't be escaping to the safety moat. Just saying.
We have friends coming to visit on the weekend so this afternoon was spent baking. I made a lemon drizzle cake, a Bara Brith and some chocolate chunk and peanut butter cookies. I'll prepare the food for our evening meal on Friday as we haven't seen our friends for almost two years and I'd rather spend time chatting than preparing food when they are here. Of course I also have a list of jobs I'd like to do before they arrive not least sprucing up my study which doubles as our guest bedroom. As well as the baking this afternoon I managed to paint a second coat on the gatepost outside before rushing off to Pilates.
Yesterday's gannets must have told their friends about the fishing here as this afternoon there was a flock of about twenty gannets and maybe as many Manx Shearwaters chasing a shoal of fish around the bay.
I think this shearwater must have had a bit of a shock when it was almost divebombed by a gannet. 
I had about ten minutes for a sit down before heading off to Pilates only to find that a sea mist was rolling in hiding first the village and then the reefs from view. It never quite reached us though looking back I could see it wafting around the war memorial up on the cliff top.


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