Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 23 May 2024


It was a wild sea that greeted me this morning but fortunately it stayed dry while I had my tea outside. The drop in temperature and the fierce wind did mean that I had to put on a couple of extra layers but having done so it was lovely to be outside. Not a bird could be heard, instead there was the booming of the sea against the cliff and the sound of the waves on the stony beach.
This morning the man from the carpet shop came round to measure up the bedroom. He forgot to bring the carpet samples with him so that we could make a final decision on the colour. He returned with the samples later in the morning and although the cream carpet would look stunning with our cream (okay, magnolia really) walls it wasn't a practical choice. So the dusty pink carpet it is. We've gone full circle having decorated the bedroom at Dingles to match the pink carpet that was there we're now choosing a pink carpet to match the same colour scheme which we carried on both in Pilton and now here.  If something works why change it?
The white and duck-egg blue colour scheme in the living area however is new but what else could you have when the sea is that colour too?
After the carpet guy left I set to work cutting some wood to make supports for the shelves in my study. And what a tricky job that was. Despite measuring carefully and then cutting some scrap wood to make test pieces I struggled mightily to get the wood to fit. It took a few tries before I remembered to use a spirit level to make sure the wood I was holding against the gap was level and even then I had to make a number of attempts before I could get each piece to fit. (Every one was slightly different.) I'm sure I must have some level of dyspraxia to get it so badly wrong each time. I was able to use the chop saw to do some of the cutting so at least I didn't have to worry about my wobbly sawing. Eventually I got all the pieces cut and now the next step is to paint them. 
We had to work hard in our Zoom class as there were only five of us today. After a break for half-term next week we only have two more classes before the course finishes for the year. I think most of us will be signing up for next year's course. You never know, we might be able to speak Welsh one day.

I had to collect something from the pharmacy so after class I took myself off for a walk along the beach. It was very windy and kept trying to rain so I stayed up on the shingle where I could head for cover if the rain got worse.
A small section of the shingle has been fenced off where a pair of ringed plovers are nesting. Usually the plovers nest much further along the beach and large areas of the beach are fenced off to protect the birds. It takes 25 days before the eggs hatch and another 25 days before the chicks fledge.
At first I couldn't see any sign of the birds but took lots of photos of the whole area. It was only when I looked more closely at the photo below that I spotted a single bird facing away from me.
It was after I walked around the fenced off area that I saw the plover standing guard. I've still no idea where his mate was sitting on her eggs somewhere amongst the stones.

Much fun as usual at disco aerobics. I was walking back with a friend when we accosted a lady walking her 15 week old puppy. A lovely, fluffy Sheltie (miniature Lassie). It was scared of us when it was on the ground but became very excited and friendly when its owner picked it up and we were able to make a fuss of it.


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