Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 11 May 2024


I can't bear to look at FB today. All those photos of the spectacular Northern Lights taken everywhere from here to Scotland and down to Devon. I knew that there was a major solar wind event, looked once it got dark then looked again before I went to bed at 11.00 but saw some clouds and was so tired I fell asleep quite quickly. I'll take it as a lesson in patience and acceptance. Instead here is a photo of the sun setting next to Bardsey Island.
It's an early post today as our friends will be coming later on.
I was up by 5.30 and got to see the soft morning light heralding another warm day. Everyone was out fishing today, a couple of people fishing from the beach and some more in kayaks by the reef. And along came a dolphin too.
Normally I'd be getting all annoyed by people getting close to dolphins but this dolphin was by the cliff and then swam nearer the reef and the guys in kayaks.
Signing off now until tomorrow.

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