Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 16 September 2021


The sun shone again today though we started off fairly grey followed by a light shower. That prompted us to move the wood (from the loft) that Peter had decided to keep, from the drive into the garage. It will come in very handy for making shelves in the garage.
The lads turned up early, somehow builders always seem to arrive just as we're about to eat breakfast and today was no exception. But we're not complaining, after nearly three months of absence it's wonderful to have work happening again. Today they finished flooring the loft and putting in extra insulation. They used wood to increase the depth between the rafters so now we're insulated to the latest standards. They also found the loft hatch which had somehow become detatched before we moved in and put it back with new hinges. No more cold winds blowing down into the bathroom. 
With all the work going on in the loft the bathroom tiles have been crashing down onto the floor every now and again so yesterday evening I took down all the tiles on a panel above the bath. That way we wouldn't be hearing sudden loud crashes in the night.
The lads also completed removing the old render around the French Doors and fixed mesh above the doors ready for the new render which should be going on Monday or Tuesday.
Before they left we got the lads to move four extra large paving slabs in the back garden. They'd been stacked to one side and I'd worked out they would complete the central path down the garden. It's a bit unsettling that they're not centred to the big pot but that's the way the path runs. Maybe some careful placing of pots would even things out. The lads are coming back to carry stuff up into the loft but it won't be for at least 10 days depending on the arrival of a new first baby.
Then there was time for Peter and I to fix one more post and a shorter panel to the wall. To finish off I stuck some bricks together with mortar on a foundation wall I discovered for the next post to rest on. I have some plans on how to deal with the gap under the short panel but they're still at the ideas stage. 
The lads finished mid afternoon and with the sun shining what else could I do but sit out on the terrace? At this time of the year every sunny day should be appreciated and enjoyed. With the sun's path changing we get less sun on the terrace and it won't be long before the setting sun moves round behind the cliff to the side of us. This afternoon it was lovely and peaceful with the sun on our faces and hearing only the sound of the lapping waves and the occasional bird. Plus knowing we are one step nearer completing the terrace.


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