Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 19 September 2021


Bright and breezy today. The wind has begun to veer round to westerly and by the afternoon the wind was quite chilly though that didn't stop me from ending my day sitting outside.
Yesterday evening I hung the second light curtain up in our bedroom and what a difference it makes. Not only do we get the afternoon sun but if you stand in the right place you can see the sea.
After breakfast which included croissants I headed out to work in the back garden. There I was sheltered from the wind and it got very hot. My job for the day was to clear the top of the raised bed and finish off the back wall which I've built using blocks and bricks. I also dug through the main section (I'll dig the front bit when I've got somewhere to move the hebe to) removing any roots and all the bits of polystyrene and any other bits of plastic as I really hate seeing those in the soil. 
After grubbing about in the dirt and getting hot and sweaty I needed an early shower. It's still just warm enough to let my hair dry outside for that surf babe look, who am I kidding? Perhaps I should say I'm saving the planet by not using the electric hair dryer but then wouldn't it be even more eco-friendly to have short hair that doesn't take so much water to wash. The thing is, where do you draw the line?

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