Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 24 September 2021


The day began very grey and wet as the low clouds dropped down to ground level.
There were a number of phone calls back and forth between Peter and the builder but with the rain continuing it wasn't worth the builder coming out to us. That was a shame as the job is so nearly done and then it dried up in the afternoon. Meanwhile Peter emptied out all the pictures and boxes going up in the loft from his room into the bathroom. My contribution was to go through the pictures, especially the bigger ones, and put aside any that will be going back up on the walls. Although I like the clean look the walls do seem a bit bare and some though not all of the 36 pictures that were on the walls in Dingles will be going back up. Then, clutching the notebook that lists the contents of all the numbered boxes I was able to let Peter know which were going up in the loft and which needed to stay down. Those were mostly books which will be going on shelves in the front hall once they've been built which will be after the cupboard built into the fireplace is opened up and also made into a bookcase. So not for a while then.
I found it hard to settle in the morning wondering if the builder was going to be able to come or not but in the end I got out the sewing machine to have another go at making the purple face-mask. I wish I hadn't bothered as it didn't go well, I think the purple fabric wasn't suitable and in the end I gave up.
Then I took myself out to the garden to join the gang of sparrows who must be wondering where the side of their home had disappeared to. My back is a bit sore today so I sat on a chair and cut up some of the hedge cuttings and put them in my big garden waste bag.
I did that for a while and then took my chair back up to the terrace to read. With the sun flitting between the clouds and a warm wind the air kept changing from warm to hot and back again. It was warmer outside the house than inside as we haven't been using the heating yet.
The beach was more or less empty, just a lone fisherman and a couple walking their dog (that's naughty as the dog ban isn't lifted until the end of September).


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