Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 19 December 2021


We're currently under a high pressure system which is giving us the bluest of days sandwiched between pink mornings and evenings.

This morning I watched the moon slowly dropping down behind the Llyn peninsula which was  clearer than usual due to the low temperature.

Today there was a mini craft fair at Uncle Albert's Emporium, a café that specialised in home-made cakes and ice-cream but not usually open at the moment so after breakfast I walked there hoping for one last present that I needed. I found a suitable present and also had a nice chat with the lady who does felting and printing.
This is the current state of the house that was destroyed by fire in the summer. Fortunately they did have insurance and for the short term the village rallied round and raised over £5k for the family.
Naturally on such a lovely day my trip out included a walk along the beach. I walked along the sea wall up to the golf course at the end of the village and then went down on to the beach where there was plenty of sand to walk on. There I saw the first (for me) group of oyster catchers.
A bit further along I saw these floats in the water. I guessed that there would be a net attached to the floats and decided to do my bit for the environment and remove the net from the water. I had to leave my jacket and camera up on the dry shingle in case I fell over in the water and wait for the floats to wash up closer. Eventually I was able to reach the float with a long stick I'd found and began pulling the net towards me. There was an awful lot of it and then I saw that the float was attached to a rope which in turn was attached to a chain sunk into the sank. Oops, it was somebody's net set up to catch fish. I let it all go again and marched back out of the water. Just then a chap came down the shingle and confirmed that it was in fact his net. He wasn't at all unpleasant but I did feel silly. Just never expected to find a net so close inshore. 
There were lots of people out on the beach today most of them with dogs. One couple had a small terrier type of dog on a lead accompanied by an even smaller (would fit in a shoe box) puppy which came running up to me. 
Back home I thought that while it was dry I would hoover out the car. I don't bother much about cleaning cars but this poor thing has been used as a workhorse taking bags of garden waste and rubbish to the dump not to mention me driving in muddy wellies and transporting my gardening tools resulting in a rather messy floor. Out came all the carpet mats and I hoovered everywhere. The rubber mats have been scrubbed and are currently drying outside. So far so good but then I thought I might as well do the boot too. That got the same treatment as the front of the car and for good measure I thought I'd check the spare tyre. Unlike our last car which had the spare tyre in a cradle underneath the car this one has the spare tyre in a dip in the floor of the boot. I'm not sure what I was going to check as my car knowledge is limited (I have changed tyres and batteries but that's it) but what caught my attention was some water under the tyre. When I mopped it up I discovered it was more a nasty brown sludge !!! Yuck, though it didn't smell. We lifted up the spare and I've given the space underneath a thorough clean including a final wipe over with bleach just to be on the safe side. Imagine having to change the tyre on a dark wet night, as it always is and finding your hands covered in sludge. Well that's another job ticked off my list though it was on the 'good to do' side rather than the 'must do' side. Who doesn't love a list?

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